AS/400 Y2K Millennium Solutions
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AS/400 Y2K

MS4 Audit: Analysis of Fields

AS/400 Y2K

AS/400 Y2K

MS4 Audit identifies all date fields on the application field reference files. MS4 Audit uses these definitions to identify the date fields on the database physical files. If a field is marked as a date here, then all fields defined with reference to it will automatically be assumed to be dates. This improves the quality of the analysis and reduces the overall time to complete the date field confirmation tasks.

The program also searches the field descriptions for potential date fields. Then, based on the editing characteristics, field names, descriptions or field reference definitions, it decides whether each field is a date. MS4 Audit finds these fields in databases, display files, and printer files.

After completing these searches, MS4 Audit continues with more analysis, starting with an analysis of RPG Source. A specialised analysis function within MS4 Audit identifies any fields updated with the RPG operation code "TIME" or any date fields that are output using internal print specifications.

The key action in the analysis phase of MS4 Audit is the review and confirmation of the MS4 Audit Analysis. During this review, the date field formats may need to be amended to make sure they correspond to the actual formats used in the database or device files.

When these analyses are complete, MS4 Audit is ready to begin its data gathering, verifying and reporting phases.

  • Audit data gathering

    Gather info on data members, access paths, record selections, device objects, program objects, and program references.  

  • Date field verification

    Check that for each field identified as a date, all the data in that field adheres to the date format specified.  

  • Reporting

    Produce MS4 Audit reports.  



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AS/400 Y2K

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